Visit the National Museum The Museum was officially opened in 1868 and became known as Gedung
Gajah (Elephant House) or Gedung Arca (House of Statues). The Museum Nasional is not only a centre for research and study into the national and cultural heritage, but also functions as an educative, cultural and recreational information centre. Currently the Musium Nasional houses collections of 109,342 objects under the categories of prehistory, archaeology, ethnography, numismatics-heraldic, geography and historical relics.Jakarta History Museum The Museum of History of Jakarta, is the one displaying the history of the development of the City of Jakarta, both the events and the community, from the prae-history until these present days.

Fine Art and Ceramic Museum: This museum has around 400 fine arts, which consist of many different techniques and materials, such as sculpture, graphic, wood totem, sketch, and painting batik. Among those collection there are some masterpieces, collections that useful for the art history in Indonesia. They are "Revolution Bride" painting by Hendra Gunawan, "Lebak Regent" painting by Raden Saleh. "Mother Give Sick" painting by Dullah, "Tritura Paramilitary Troops" painting by S. Sudjojono, and "Self-Potrait" painting by Affandi. Traditional clasiccal sculpture from Bali, magical and symbolic wood totem by Tjokot and families, Totem and wood sculpture by modern artists, such as G. Sidharta, Oesman Effendi.
Then followed by academy graduate artists creation, like Popo Iskandar, Achmad Sadali, Srihadi S. Fajar Sidik, Kusnadi, Rusli, Nashar, Zaini, Amang Rahman, Suprapto, Irsam. Mulyadi W, Abas Alibasyah, Amri Yahya, AS Budiono, Barli, Sudjana Kerton and many other artists from various regions.
There are plenty of ceramic collections in this museum, consist of local and also foriegn ceramic. the local ceramic comes from Aceh, Medan, Palembang, Lampung, Jakarta, Bandung, Purwakarta, Yogyakarta, Malang, Bali, Lombok, etc. This Museum has also Majapahit ceramic from the 14 th century, which show beatiful extraordinary characteristic and have history value with various shapes and functions. The foreign ceramic of various shapes, characteristics, functions, and styles from China, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Dutch, Germany. and Middle East. The greatest numbers are from China, especially from Ching and Ming Dinasty. Come see all about Indonesia visit the Jakarta City.